Article name Society Requirements to the Competitive Expert and its Professional Alternatives
Authors Balyhin M.G. Candidate of Economics,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.001.
Article type
Annotation This article discusses and analyzes a set of requirements for a modern competitive expert, allowing him/her to implement professional creativity, knowledge, skills, abilities, values to ensure convertibility and reliability of his/her vocational training within and beyond the state. The expert’s competitiveness is some kind a quality indicator of high school vocational training and possibility of realization of professional and personal graduate’s qualities for the benefit of the society and manufacture and in his/her own interests. It is impossible to solve the problem of professional competence and competitiveness as a national personnel selection problem clearly, without having coordinated it with global problems of education, with problems of quality of higher education. Reorganization of economic-political relations in Russia has affected the system of higher education which works in two «modes»: functioning and development, and which is influenced by two global tendencies: pragmatic tendency (narrow-directed) and fundamental (wide-profile). The problem of maintenance of qualitative vocational specialist training dictates obligation of structure coordination and maintenance of specialist training at higher schools according to requirements of universal standards and procedures of maintenance of quality of the higher vocational training.
Key words competitive specialist, professional alternatives, higher vocational training, educational environment and its qualities
Article information
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Full articleSociety Requirements to the Competitive Expert and its Professional Alternatives