Article name Heuristic Status of Intuitive Knowledge
Authors Bakhmetiev A.E. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description Bakhmetiev A. E. Heuristic Status of Intuitive Knowledge // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 4. PP. 107–114. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-107-114
UDK 740
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-4-107-114
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the ontological and gnoseological aspects of intuitive knowledge that confirm its heuristic status in the field of philosophy. The study of the heuristic status of intuitive knowledge is of particular interest for understanding the specifics of the problem of the invention, as well as the essence of the thinking process as such. Intuition, having a heuristic status, allows you to create and design inventions. Intuition is a basic attribute of the creative process. The key concepts used in this article are the philosophical system of P. K. Engelmeyer, N. Hartman, Ayn Rand and M. Bunge. The basic definition of intuition formulated by Engelmeyer points to a fundamental sign of intuitive cognition – the creation of the new through work with experience. Intuition acts as a transition between feeling, reason and reason. Engelmeyer, in his conception, declares the structure of the invention creation process. The attributive structure of Bunge’s intuitive cognition (intuition as perception, as imagination, as mind, as evaluation), constructs a scheme for the functioning of intuition. In the concepts of Hartmann and Ayn Rand, intuitive cognition appears as a form of seizing the existing. Hartman and Ayn Rand indicate the ontological and epistemological nature of intuitive knowledge.
Key words Intuition, knowledge, idea, creativity, invention, heuristics
Article information
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Full articleHeuristic Status of Intuitive Knowledge