Article name Career Orientation Reveals of Psychology Department Students
Authors Terekhova T.A. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Psyhology
UDK 159
Article type
Annotation The article presents career orientations as individual career structure target component, which is one of professional development regulative mechanisms. Career orientations are based on personal goals and social aims determinating attitude to choosing a career. The author analyses the “career” phenomenon using the career structure by Nevstrueva T. H. and logical isomorphism by Karnyshev A. D. The author empirically selects the career orientations peculiarities of a future specialist in psychology in the period of his study and self-cultivation features depending on an academic year, personal factors and age.
Key words career, structure and career components, career orientations, career orientation dynamics
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Full articleCareer Orientation Reveals of Psychology Department Students