Article name Social-Philosophical Aspect of the Concept of “Justice” and its Significance for Punishment
Authors Tsyrendorzhieva D.S. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Gneusheva T.B. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 1:316
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the concept of “justice” as a socio-philosophical category and its significance for punishment. The purpose of the article is to consider the question: What is justice and how important is it for punishment? The authors examine the issues causing suffering through criminal penalties; they believe that a person should not be severely punished for minor offense: punishment should be dependent on offense. The article analyzes approaches to the assessment of the severity of a particular action and responsibility for that existing both in various religious doctrines and in the secular ethics. According to the authors, the purpose of punishment is not a simple doom to suffering. The suffering caused in the process of punishment should have higher task – to discourage the offender from reoffending and to deter others from committing similar acts. Punishment should not correct the offender, but to keep him from further crimes. The authors advocate against the death penalty, which does not give the offender the opportunity to change himself. An important point about compassion as the foundation principle for the implementation of justice is that it is directed not to the crime, but to the offender. Compassion requires that the wrong action should be condemned, but at the same time there should be good treatment of those who perform these actions. So, the authors think that all people can change.
Key words justice, punishment, crime, retribution, purpose of punishment, compassion
Article information
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Full articleSocial-Philosophical Aspect of the Concept of “Justice” and its Significance for Punishment