Article name The Image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov in the Context of the Theory of Archetypes by Carl Gustav Jung
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-92-97
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, the hero of the novel “Fathers and Sons” written by I. S. Turgenev, in connection with the theory of archetypes by C. G. Jung. The hero’s involvement in the father’s archetype was revealed by taking into account his ideological orientations, as well as the image of his hand as a symbol of power, colors and binary opposition, ‘ours – alien’, which is realized in the context of the novel by contrasting the idealistic and materialistic. The results of our study show that the main criteria for the archetypal image of Pavel Petrovich are: 1) secrecy, expressed in skeptical attitude to other heroes, indicating unconscious superiority; 2) hands closed with gloves as evidence of detachment from society; 3) the contrast of appearance; 4) priority to the culture of previous generations; 5) radicalism in relation to the modern interpretation of reality. The phenomenological and structural methods are the main methods in this article. The novelty of the study is that the image of Pavel Petrovich has never been analyzed in the context of the theory of Jung’s archetypes. The aim of the work was to deepen the understanding of the image of Pavel Petrovich as a special hero, embodying the “not accepted innovation” of the previous generation (in the context of the generation of fathers). If Bazarov, the ideological opponent of Pavel Petrovich, belongs to the category of materialistic pragmatists, then Pavel Petrovich is an exceptional idealist in his characteristics. His aesthetics is the aesthetics of a wise man, who prefers the culture of previous generations, but denies here and now. This kind of parallel allows us to talk about the image of Pavel Petrovich as the realization of the archetype of the father. However, this archetype is not fully realized due to the image of gloves. The gloves hide his hands, and at the same time, they create a barrier for communication with Bazarov. So, he is ideologically contrasted with other heroes and, therefore, isolated from other inhabitants of Marino. Drawing mythological parallels, it was possible to find the dualism of Pavel Petrovich – the hero is an idealist by nature, but an idealist without a future, because a demonstration of his innocence in the life of the people around him deprives the hero the right to be part of the society, it becomes clear thanks to his lonely past in St. Petersburg. Separation as the main criterion for assessing Pavel Petrovich and aristocracy, which can be traced nearly in everything, makes it possible to characterize the hero as the realization of the archetype of the father. This article may be of interest to everyone who is interested in the theory of Jung’s archetypes, as well as to fans of I. S. Turgenev’s oeuvre.
Key words archetype, “great father”, opposition, aristocracy, nihilism, conservatism, predominance
Article information
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