Article name Features of Providing Content on YouTube about Extreme Situations: Genres and Formats
Authors Reva , ; E.K. Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Mezhina V.A. Researcher,
Bibliographic description Reva E. K., Mezhina V. A. Features of Providing Content on YouTube about Extreme Situations: Genres and Formats // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 5. PP. 110–115. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-110-115.
UDK 002
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-5-110-115
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the study of YouTube is due to the fact that today video hosting is a concentration of video materials of various thematic areas and channels producing content. This article presents the results of a study of the genres and formats used on the media platform YouTube to reflect information about extreme situations of a natural and man-made nature. Video hosting YouTube has become a platform not only for the distribution of user content, but also a modern communication channel for broadcasting the content of traditional media. It is this factor that allows you to identify genre and format ways of providing information. To compile a list of extreme and emergency situations for 2015–2019, State reports on the state of protection of the population and territory of the Russian Federation from natural and man-made emergencies posted on the website of the Russian Emergencies Ministry were studied. Then, keywords were searched on the video hosting site YouTube. Due to the fact that the study is part of a major scientific project aimed at studying the influence of psychotraumatizing factors on the speech function of a person in real extreme situations, one of the selection criteria was the presence of an emotional component in the video materials. The chronological framework of the study in five years, a wide range of YouTube channels, a body of video materials collected by a continuous sampling method, the use of typological and genre analysis made it possible to obtain representative conclusions about the genre-format specifics of video materials on socially significant topics.The results obtained show that the largest number of videos belong to the information group of genres. The analytical ones include the genre of journalistic investigation. Amateur YouTube channels use selfie shooting, shooting with voiceover commentary, a conversation with an eyewitness or victim, etc.
Key words media, television, media, YouTube, video hosting, video content, extreme situations
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of Providing Content on YouTube about Extreme Situations: Genres and Formats