Article name Key Characteristics of Argumentative and Suggestive Texts of Trial Rhetoric
Authors Nikiforova E.S. , n. e.
Bibliographic description
UDK 811
Article type
Annotation The article deals with methods of realization of speech influence in the texts of trial rhetoric of Russian, Kazakh and English speaking authors. Comparative analysis showed that in all of them persuasion, suggestion, inducement are realized through text categories of argumentativeness and suggestivity, which is accounted for by similarity of communicative situation and social roles of communicants. Besides we revealed some specific features accounted for by tradition and mentality. So, Russian and Kazakh speaking authors due to the structure of their languages and mentality prefer accumulative and complex types of argumentation, whereas American lawyers resort to the composition of complex and compound ones. Argumentativeness is strengthened by suggestive resource in all the texts but in a different degree. American lawyers’ speeches are remarkable for modality, personality and tactics of direct address, which is aimed at establishing contact with the listeners, while Russian and Kazakhstani lawyers are reserved in expressing their opinion, try to follow the protocol, which is accounted for by the existing tradition and the structure of court in the countries in question.
Key words argumentativeness, suggestivity, impersonality, modality, personal involvement, implication
Article information
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Full articleKey Characteristics of Argumentative and Suggestive Texts of Trial Rhetoric