Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 16, №6 2021


Jamsran Urangua Khereid
Polyanskayа O. N.
Chinese Workers in the History of the Mongolian People’s Republic in the 1950s–1960s: Cooperation, Politics, Ideology
Batunaev E. V.
Russian-Mongolian Trade and Economic Relations at the Beginning of the 20th Century: History and Stages of Development
Drobotushenko E. V.
On the Issue of Creating a Russian Agent Network in Shanghai at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Kalinichenko A. L.
Singer of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks: F. F. Tyutchev in the Russian-Japanese War
    Archeology: the origins of culture

Saffah Alhusseini Ameer Hameed
Magnetometric Methods in Archaeology (on the Example of Excavations in Uruk, Iraq): Systematic Literature Review
Lyasovich V. I.
Weapon Sets of the Kushulevsky III Burial Ground of the Pyanobor Archaeological Culture

Zelyak V. G.
Organization of Management of the Gold Mining Industry in Siberia in the Early 1920s
Klimova O. G.
Socio-Cultural Practices of the Siberian Merchants of the Second Half of the XIX – Early XX Century in the Coverage of Modern Russian Historiography
Kondratenko V. A.
Formation and Development of Female Gymnasium Education in the City of Chita (1893–1921)
Chernyshov S. A.
Reconstruction of the Motives and Goals of the First Colonizers of Siberia Based on the Materials of the Russian Colonization of the Far East
    Science and Life

Vanchikova T. P.
Outstanding Discoveries of Mongolian Historians and Archaeologists: Excavations of the Sar’dag Monastery
Zaporozhchenko G. M.
New Trends in the Field of Public Memory
Mertsalov V. I.
The Facts Speak for Themselves: the Monographic Research by T. A. Konstantinova on the History of National Archives in Eastern Transbaikalia
Konstantinova N. N.
Educator, Archeologist, Local History Export, Museographer (65th anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Konstantinov)
    Full version of the journal

Humanitarian Vector