Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 13. No. 5. 2018, №5 2018

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Humanitarian Vector. Vol. 13. No.5. 2018
    Linguistic worldview

Biktimirova Y. V.
Тhe Existential Space in the Language Picture of the World of Transbaikalia Pioneers in the Language of the Written Monuments of the Nerchinsk Voivodeship in the XVII–XVIII Centuries
Buldygerova A. N.
The Origin Stages and the Formation of Chinese Pair-Inscriptions as the Language Phenomenon: Stages of Formation and Development
Dokhova Z. R.
Urusov R. K.
The Language Model of “Glokoy kuzdra” by L. V. Shcherba (on the Material of the Linguistic Fairy Tale Puski byatye by L. S. Petrushevskaya)
Zverev A. G.
Modality of Texts of Laws in Languages of the Standard Average, European

Dorzhieva D. T.
Features of Information Potential in a Newspaper Article
Liu Yan
Mass Media’s Language Strategies to Assert Influence on the Audience (on the Example of Media Coverage of Peasant Protests in Modern China) 媒体影响受众认知的话语策略(以中国农民抗争为例)
Reva , ; E. K.
Mikhailova T. D.
Food Criticism Representation on Gastronomic Magazine Pages (on the Example of the Gastronom Magazine)

Yegorova L. G.
The Republic of Crimea Printed Media Market Transformation in the Present Time
Il’chenko S. N.
Fake as an Anti-Source of Information: a Risk for Professional Standards of Journalism
Liang Zhang
China’s Environmental Policy in The New York Times Media Texts
Shostak-Nowacka P.
Reading Local Press and Civic Engagement in Poland

Dugarov B. S.
Aspects of the Khormusta Image in Mongolian Mythology
Budayeva N. C.
The Tibet Anthroponymic System of Zun-Khuatsai as One of the Clans of Khori-Buryat
Chernysheva L. N.
Lexicographical Fixation of Amharic Terminological Neologisms