Philology and Oriental Studies # 4 (28), №4 2011

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Philology and Oriental Studies # 4 (28), 2011

Oskolkova N. V.
The Image of the Head of the Region in Conflict Media Texts
Petrova G. M.
Semantic and Functional Specificity of the Bulgarian Pronominal Clitics
Pimenova M. V.
Conceptual Investigations and National Mentality
Razumova L. V.
The Usage Reflection of the First Half of the 19th Century Quebec French in the Paper of Th. Maguire
Retinskaya T. I.
French Seasonal Workers’ Argot
Romanov I. А.
Poetics of Transit in Russian Literature of the Late 20th – the Beginning of the 21st Centuries
Savelova L. A.
The Elements of the Northern Russian Speech in the Text of Portage by M. Vilk
Simashko T. V.
On the Issue of the Study of Modern Omens Against the Background of Traditional Ones
Kapinova E. S.
Sokolov I. V.
Terzieva M. T.
Janusz Korczak’s Novel King Matthew the First as a Tool for Expanding Students’ Literary Knowledge of Pedagogic Subjects
Tolstoguzov P. N.
Free Biographic Experience of the Beginning of the 19th Century: I. M. Dolgorukov about N. I. Jazvitsky
Tsyrenov B. D.
About Lexicographic Terminology (On the Materials of the Buryat-Russian Dictionary)
Abrosimova O. L.
Loanwords and Their Adaptation in Zabaikalsky Dialects
Angelova S.
Silent Dialogs of Bulgarian Women Writers
Akhmetova G. D.
Igor Melnikov’s Live Poetry
Akhmetova M. N.
Text Interpretation as Meta-Subject Technology
Ayupov S. M.
Harisova T. E.
Turgenev’s Tradition in A. Blok’s Early Lyrics
Ayupova S. B.
The Role of Chronography in the Formation of the Linguistic and Artistic Picture of the World (Based on I. S. Turgenev’s Prose)
Bardakova V. V.
Onomastic Detail in Works of Children Literature
Berdnikova T. V.
The Character’s Speech Parties in Poems with Dialogical Structures (Based on M. U. Lermontov’s Lyrics)
Bushev A. B.
Aleksandrova S. K.
Text Interpretation Techniques as Developed Linguistic Personality’s Competences
Volkova V. B.
Closeness and Estrangement as Features of the Antonymous Concepts of Sky and Land in O. N. Ermakov’s War Prose
Voronova L. V.
The Purpose and Content of Russian Written Speech Testing
Golovanova E. I.
German Borrowings in Ural Mining Terminology (18th century)
Duskaeva L. R.
Kornilova N. A.
Phatics as a Speech Form of Implementing the Entertaining Function in Media Texts
Erofeeva I. V.
Novelty and Meaning as a Cognitive Opposition in the Mediatext Structure (The Problem of Language World Modelling)
Yefremov N. N.
Locative Constructions in the Literary Text
Ivanishcheva O. N.
Preservation and Revival: Language and Culture Correlation (Case Study: Lappish Language and Culture)
Ignatovich T. Y.
Dialectal Variety in Verb Forms (Based on Transbaikalian Dialects of Northern Russian Origin)
Kaznacheev S. M.
New Realism: the Next Revival of a Method
Kuznetsova E. V.
Problems and Prospects of Studying the Regional Lingual- Geographical Landscape (Volgograd Region as an Example)
Melnik E. A.
Shishigin K. A.
Semantic-Cognitive Characteristics of Verbs with the Prefix Unter– in Yiddish
Milyaeva N. N.
Productivity of Initial Abbreviations Formation Models of Thematic Megafield of Management (on the Basis of the Modern German Language)
Mordovin A. Y.
The Role of the Unconscious and Intuition in Corpus Approach-based Linguistic Analysis