Article name Emotional Attributes of Concept Imagination in the English Language Picture of the World
Authors Komandakova M.S. postgraduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Linguistic worldview
UDK 811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The present article discusses the emotional attributes of the concept Imagination, as well as the ways of implementing them in the English language, which allow marking, in terms of language verbalization, a significant group of figurative attributes of the concept Imagination. The concept Imagination is one of the abstract concepts, which determines the specificity of its structure and special importance of figurative attributes. The figurative group of attributes, along with another set of groups of attributes forms the structure of the concept Imagination. Identification and description of the figurative attributes are one of the aspects of conceptual analysis; its object is to reconstruct the structure of the concept. The figurative component of the structure of the concept Imagination has different characteristics that evoke images of “live” and “abiotic” nature as well as the image of the world. In the process of identifying the inner world to the external world, metaphor plays a fundamental role, which is anthropometric by nature.
Key words concept, conceptual attribute, structure of concept, anthropomorphism, metaphor
Article information
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Full articleEmotional Attributes of Concept Imagination in the English Language Picture of the World