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Article name | General-Governor S. I. Minitsky and Old Believers of Olonets Governorate (1825–1830) |
Authors | Efimova V.V. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description | Efimova V. V. General-Governor S. I. Minitsky and Old Believers of Olonets Governorate (1825–1830) // Humanitarian Vector. Series History. Political Science. 2016. Vol. 11, No 4. P. 50–59. |
Section | Regional History |
UDK | 94(470.22) «18» |
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Annotation | Researchers who study the history of Old Believers, Karelians and education in the first third of the XIXth century mention S. I. Minitsky’s name, the General-Governor of Archangelsk Governorate, only in connection with his address to the Russian government in 1829 to put the Karelian language out of use as a non-literary one. The author of the article makes an attempt to find the reasons that induced Minitsky to do so. With this end in view, we examine ethno-confessional policies that Nicolas I and his government enforced during the first five years of the tsar’s rule. The author also studies the relationship of the General-Governor with the Tsar and the local officials. We come to the following conclusion: first, in the period under review, ethno-confessional policies were being formed and could not be characterized as policies of repression against Old Believers of Olonets Governorate. Second, those were not local authorities, headed by the General-Governor, that initiated the measures against the spread of Old Belief, but senator D. O. Baranov who inspected the governorate in 1827–1828. However, actions proposed by D. O. Baranov could not be regarded as repressive ones. Third, it was bishop Ignatiy’s idea to put the Karelian language out of use as a non-literary one since he considered it as “the language of schism”. Finally, while having put into action the measures proposed by senator D. O. Baranov and bishop Ignatiy, S. I. Minitsky had in view to enhance his own status. To do this he made Governor P. A. Lachinov discharged and tried to compromise A. A. Fullon, Olonets mining and metallurgy factories director. |
Key words | ethno-confessional policies, the General-Governor of Archangelsk Governorate, Governor, bishop Ignatiy, Old Believers |
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Full article | General-Governor S. I. Minitsky and Old Believers of Olonets Governorate (1825–1830) |
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