Article name On the Issue about the Order of Words in Russian and Chinese: Transformations in Translation
Authors Zhao Xiaobing .. Doctor of Literature, Professor,
Bibliographic description Zhao Syaobin. On the Issue about the Order of Words in Russian And Chinese: Transformations in Translation // Humanitarian Vector. Series Philology, Oriental Studies. 2016. Vol. 11, No 3. P. 120–126
UDK 811.161.1:811.581.11
Article type
Annotation This paper discusses word order change in Russian and Chinese while translating. There is a freedom degree of semantic collocation in a simple sentence in different languages. It discusses semantic, rhetoric and communicative motivation of the word change and analyzes correspondence-translation in similar word order and transformation translation in different word order. The research results show that aids (function words, add words, tone of voice) are often used in equivalence translation into Chinese in similar word order, and there will be a translation transformation in different word order according to the bilingual specification.
Key words word order, transformational translation, semantic compatibility, language conditionality
Article information
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Full articleOn the Issue about the Order of Words in Russian and Chinese: Transformations in Translation