Article name The Daily Routine of the Siberian Merchants of the 19th ‒ Early 20th Centuries in the Memoirs of Contemporaries in the Works of Siberian Historians
Authors Klimova O.G. Candidate of History, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Klimova O. G. The Daily Routine of the Siberian Merchants of the 19th ‒ Early 20th Centuries in the Memoirs of Contemporaries in the Works of Siberian Historians // Humanitarian Vector. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 6. PP. 87–94. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-87-94.
Section Events and destinies: verges of daily routine
UDK 93/94
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2019-14-6-87-94
Article type
Annotation The purpose of the article is a historiographic analysis of the works of modern historians on the daily history of the merchants of Siberia in the memoirs of contemporaries. In recent years, scientific papers have been published on various aspects of life and work of the merchants, in which the authors actively used memoirs written in pre-revolutionary Siberia. The memoirs of contemporaries covering a certain period combine impor­tant historical events with small details of people’s daily lives. Researchers turn to memoir sources, drawing on the recollections of eyewitnesses as interesting illustrations of the daily lives of entrepreneurs, showing their business and human qualities, mentality, commercial interests, and relations with the authorities. The memoirs discovered by historians reflect the views, mood, family life, life of the representatives of the merchant class. The problems of studying the everyday culture of society are extremely important and make it possible to reveal many aspects of historical life that are hidden behind the thickness of various economic, political, cultural and religious layers. The domestic historiography of the history of the merchants and entrepreneurship of Siberia in the memoirs of contemporaries is represented by a significant number of works by historians of the region. The scientists introduced into the scientific circulation an extensive factual material, published analytical works on the problem of studying the everyday life of the merchants. However, the historiography of the problem under consideration needs a deeper understanding, a generalized monographic study is needed on this topic, and its preparation is an urgent task.
Key words historiography, history of entrepreneurship, Siberia, merchants, daily routine, memoirs
Article information
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Full articleThe Daily Routine of the Siberian Merchants of the 19th ‒ Early 20th Centuries in the Memoirs of Contemporaries in the Works of Siberian Historians