Article name Formation of a Modern National Model of Journalism in Uzbekistan
Authors Ernazarov K.T. Doctor of History, Professor,;
Irnazarov S.K. Postgraduate,
Voytik E.A. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 070
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-1-134-143
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the topical problem of the formation of national media models, the definition of the trajectory of their development in the countries of Central Asia, which have embarked on the path of democratic transformations. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the emerging model of the development of journalism in Uzbekistan and its specificity. During the transition period after the collapse of the USSR, each of the CIS countries experienced its own way, each of them went to its cherished goal. At the same time, they proceed from the potential, resources and heritage inherited from the Soviet Union. The authors highlight the criteria characterizing the national media system of Uzbekistan, evaluate its prospects and effectiveness, show how formats and ways of reflecting reality in the media change under the influence of the technological factor, digitalization, and formulate requirements for information workers. The language spectrum of the general media content of the Republic of Uzbekistan is specially considered. The method of structural and functional analysis was used to determine the general system of media operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The comparative analysis method was used to compare existing journalism models in different countries. The authors come to the conclusion: in existing models of journalism, with common typological characteristics, the national component is the main in the national model of Uzbekistan. The media of the countries of the Central Asian region, borrowing Western European formats, nevertheless, firmly preserve the cultural codes of their peoples relying mainly on Eastern philosophy and the metaphorical foundations of the language.
Key words information age, media market, models of journalism, virtual space, socio-cultural functions, media communication, convergent media
Article information
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Full articleFormation of a Modern National Model of Journalism in Uzbekistan