Article name Assessment of the Processes of Modernization and Regionalization of China in the Studies of Chinese Scientists
Authors Sukharev D.V. Postgraduate Student,
Zhou Chuanming .. Postraduate Student,
Bibliographic description Sukharev D. V., Zhou Chuanming. Assessment of the Processes of Modernization and Regionalization of China in the Studies of Chinese Scientists // Humanitarian Vector. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 129–136. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-129-136.
UDK 327 (510)
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2020-15-4-129-136
Article type
Annotation In the modern world, the processes of modernization and regionalization in China are the subject of scientific interests. These processes are based on the models of economic, political, and social transformations of the Western world that are perceived and implemented in the practice of Chinese reality. These models were transferred to China, taking into account the specifics of the development of all spheres of life in this country. All this actualizes the need to analyze theoretical positions regarding the process of forming a new development strategy for Chinese society based on the modernization of all spheres of life, taking into account regionalization processes aimed at China’s economic breakthrough. The methodological basis of the study consists of interpretative, comparative, integrative approaches, constructionist analysis. An interpretative approach was used to analyze authentic sources on the issue of modernization and regionalization in China. The comparative approach allowed us to analyze the general and excellent in the interpretation of modernization and regionalization in the theories and concepts of Chinese researchers. The integrative approach made it possible to identify the features of various scientific positions of Chinese researchers in terms of assessing a new development strategy for Chinese society. The constructionist analysis of social reality (social constructionism) made it possible to analyze modernization and regionalization as globalization phenomena. This article presents a philosophical analysis of scientific works that are devoted to the study of the features of modernization and regionalization in China. The studies of Chinese scientists are dominated by the rationale for regionalization and modernization as factors in globalization processes. It was revealed that the studies of Chinese scientists on the substantiation of theories and concepts of modernization and regionalization are based on the analysis of foreign theoretical and practical experience in these areas. The authors conclude that the processes of modernization and regionalization studied by Chinese scientists are reflected as follows: analysis of foreign experience – formation of a national theory – verification of the theory in practice – preparation of a concept – analysis of practical results. The authors argue the thesis that Chinese scientists through the scientific sphere form an idea that confirms the national policy of the state. The research materials can be applied in the study and identification of the features of modernization processes and regionalization processes in modern China.
Key words modernization of China, regionalization of China, a new development strategy for Chinese society, globalization, interpretation of research
Article information
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