Article name Value Orientations of the Audiovisual Periodicals Dramaturgy: Reconfiguring Scientific Optics
Authors Kemarskaya I.N. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description Kemarskaya I. N. Value Orientations of the Audiovisual Periodicals Dramaturgy: Reconfiguring Scientific Optics // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 138–147. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-138-147.
UDK 791.61:004
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-138-147
Article type Original article
Annotation The article examines the problem of the transition to a new paradigm of media products’ value understanding of audiovisual periodicals in digital age. Relevance of the approach is challenged by the necessity to change the evaluative paradigm of modern aesthetics, which dominated for almost the entire twentieth century, to the criteria of postmodern and metamodern. The article emphasizes the professional competencies that can be positioned as “non-digitizable”, such as creativity and value orientation of creators. The article demonstrates the transformation of singularity and innovativeness of films to the “dramaturgy of seriality” due to TV and web documentaries, and further, to the dramaturgy of open search processes of metamodern. Methodologically, the change of scientific “optics” is proved in the course of revision of traditional screen dramaturgy replaced by the new approaches to the value status of transmedia audiovisual broadcasting. A generative format model is presented as the general-purpose mechanism of the TV and video shows dramatic structure. The value approach changes the methodological discourses of evaluating broadcasting media: from text-centric to polycode, from author’s subordination to viewer’s priority, from the content analysis to the dynamics of show structures. The results of the study move forward the development of professional competencies in media value chain and can be used for the training and retraining of specialists.
Key words value approach, dramaturgy, audiovisual periodicals, format, generative model, digital age
Article information
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Full articleValue Orientations of the Audiovisual Periodicals Dramaturgy: Reconfiguring Scientific Optics