Article name Philosophy of Suicide in Virtual Space
Authors Ardashev R.G. Candidate of Law,
Bibliographic description Ardashev R. G. Philosophy of Suicide in Virtual Space // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, No. 2. P. 77– 85. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-77-85.
Section Humanistic Trends in the Development of Modern Society
UDK 316.624
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-77-85
Article type Original article
Annotation The paper studies the formation of the philosophy of suicide, the involvement of participants of different ages and statuses in death groups, and also reveals the specifics of the development of the philosophy of suicide in the digital world. The theoretical basis for the development of the philosophy of suicide in the virtual world is the concept of the game and the person playing by Johan Huizinga. Playing as a principle of the virtual world leaves its mark on the irrational foundations of the work of consciousness, where the lines between real and unreal, between life and death, between the willingness to start re-living life after death as in a computer game and the ability to also perceive suicide, after which another life is possible, are blurred in the same world. As a confirmation of the hypotheses put forward, we present the results of a qualitative study conducted by the method of structural-symbolic analysis of 1820 publications on the Internet, on sites and pages of social networks, which reflect the psychology and philosophy of suicide. The data obtained were analyzed using cluster analysis of the AskNET package. As well as an expert survey of psychologists, psychotherapists, philosophers, culturologists, priests working on the theoretical understanding of suicide issues or with those who have had suicide attempts. As a result, data were obtained on the irrational foundations of thinking of those who are prone to suicide or suicidal behavior, unwillingness to solve their social fears and limitations, the presence of behavioral stigmatization, the absence of critical thinking, emotional, cognitive and intellectual rigidity. There are three strategies for the development of the philosophy of suicide in the virtual world: auto-aggression, imposed ideas about death, contagiousness (imitation) of the behavior of members of death groups. The structure of the development of the philosophy of suicide, which is maximally revealed in the virtual world, is also substantiated: reliance on existing buildings, mythologization, crystallization, alternative options, rebirth. Further research is needed to study resistance to external pressure, readiness to obey and find support in closed communities of death and to analyze virtual-mediated philosophy of suicide.
Key words philosophy of suicide, virtual world, suicidal behavior, communities of death, social networks,stigmatization
Article information
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