Article name State-Religious Relations in the Russian Security System
Authors Gavrilova Y.V. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Gavrilova Yu. V. State-Religious Relations in the Russian Security System // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, No. 2. P. 86–95. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-86-95.
Section Humanistic Trends in the Development of Modern Society
UDK 322.2 DOI:
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-2-86-95
Article type Original article
Annotation The subject of the analysis is the state-religious relations in the system of ensuring the safe existence and development of man and society. In the context of the concepts of social, religious and information-psychological security, the forms-models of interactions between state authorities and religious organizations are analyzed. It is noted that religions in the conditions of the information society participate in the design of information environments capable of exerting a multidirectional influence on individuals, including destructive ones. In order to prevent possible negative effects on the human psyche, integration and cooperation of religious institutions and state authorities are required. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the features of state–religious relations and their markers that can trigger stabilization mechanisms to ensure the security system in crisis and emergency situations. The novelty of the study is: 1) in identifying the role of state-religious and religions; 2) in defining the principles of the modern model of state-religious relations in Russia (interreligious interaction and peaceful coexistence of religions, the special position of the Russian Orthodox Church, strong state power with the highest possible level of centralization); 3) in reformatting the principles into a system of indicators for diagnosing and forecasting state-religious relations in modern Russia. As a result of the research, the concepts of “state-confessional relations”, “state-religious relations”, “state-church relations” are analyzed. The necessity of using the term “state-religious relations” in the scientific literature is substantiated. The main historical models of state-religious relations are studied, their conflictogenic or peacemaking nature for the system of social, religious and information-psychological security is revealed. The concept of “identity of Russia” is analyzed from the perspective of socio-cultural analysis. The correlation of the identity and specificity of the model of state-religious relations in Russia is established. The practical significance of the research is determined by the possibility of using the results in order to develop a system of effective practices for ensuring the security of individuals and society, in developing a strategy for the development of an updated form of state-religious interactions in modern Russia.
Key words religions, confessions, state-religious relations, security, models, state, church
Article information
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Full articleState-Religious Relations in the Russian Security System