Article name Metaphysical Rationale for War and European-American Racism, Neo-Colonialism
Authors Parilov O.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Sobko R.V. Candidate of Philosophy, Assоciate. Professor,
Bibliographic description Parilov O. V., Sobko R. V. Metaphysical Rationale for War and European-American Racism, Neo- Colonialism // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 20–30. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-20-30.
Section Culture and society: the face of war
UDK 130.2
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-20-30
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to identifying the factors that led to the formation of Western racism, neo-colonialism, embodied in global civilizational wars. The purpose of the article is to study the archetypal constructions rooted in the Abrahamic discourse, which determined the formation of the concept of “just war” and their connection with European-American racism, neo-colonialism. The relevance of this study is dictated by the state of permanent proxy war that Western civilization is waging against the rest of humanity for world domination; Russia has been at the epicenter of this war. In opposition to the West, our country lays claim to the global mission of establishing a just multipolar world order. The methodological basis of the study is a civilizational approach. Comparative, hermeneutic, exegetical, genetic, phenomenological, and logical methods were used. The study of biblical stories led to the conclusion that it was in the Old Testament era that God’s blessing took shape as a metaphysical justification for war and murder, the foundations were laid for the segregation of peoples along spiritual lines, the beginnings of racial theories and the idea of God’s chosen people with the exclusive right to a “holy” war were formed. Christianity of the first centuries reduces the militaristic intensity, however, in the Roman-Christian and later in the Byzantine Empire, the concept of a just (God-blessed) war is revived again due to the need to protect the Christian empire from the infernal anti-empire; the criteria for legitimizing this war are its justice, adherence to the spiritual idea, personal piety. European racism receives a religious justification among the Anglo-Saxons during the period of colonization of the American continent. On the basis of Protestant attitudes (civilizational, military successes as a criterion of God’s blessing), contractual theology, the status of the United States as “new Israel” is formed, usurping the right to a “holy” war. The authors come to the conclusion that the depravity of the West determines its metaphysically determined doom, despite external civilizational successes. The findings of the study open up prospects for further consideration of the spiritual foundations of the holy (just) war.
Key words Just War, Western civilization, racism, neo-colonialism, proxy war
Article information
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Full articleMetaphysical Rationale for War and European-American Racism, Neo-Colonialism