Article name Anti-Japanese Struggle of the Daur People (1932–1945)
Authors Tsybenov B.D. Candidate of History,
Bibliographic description Tsybenov B. D. Anti-Japanese Struggle of the Daur people (1932–1945) // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 84–93. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-84-93.
Section War in the history of mankind: events and destinies
UDK 94 (510)
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-84-93
Article type Original article
Annotation The historical development of national minorities in Northeast China during critical periods of the 20th century is a relevant topic in modern history and oriental studies. The occupation of the northeastern part of Chinese territory by the Kwantung Army in 1931 was aimed at proclaiming the state formation of Manchukuo. The topic of resistance of the Daurs ‒ one of the small peoples of Hulun Buir and Heilongjiang Province to the Japanese occupation ‒ is a little-studied area in the Russian study of the history of national minorities in China. The purpose of the study is to analyze the Daurs’ opposition to the plans of Japanese officials and the military in 1932–1945. The article was determined by the hypothesis about the small participation of the Daurs in the partisan movement in Manchuria in 1932–1936 and the change in the situation since the spring of 1936 after the execution of the governor of the Northern Khingan province Lingsheng and three Daur officials. The author also studied other issues: the activation of underground resistance, its local characteristics according to ethno-territorial groups of Daurs, the participation of cadets and officers, Daurs by nationality, in military mutinies in the Manchukuo army in August 1945. The work is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity, allowing us to study the Manchukuo period in the modern history of the Daurs in interaction with the history of Northeast China, Inner Mongolia and adjacent territories. The author used comparative-historical, concrete-historical and problem-chronological methods. The source base represented by documents from the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AFPRI). The author concluded that the Daurs did not take an active part in the anti-Japanese resistance in 1932–1936. The demonstrative execution of officials of the Northern Khingan province in 1936 was a trigger for the growth of anti-Japanese discontent in Daurian society. Later, anti-Japanese sentiments clearly manifested in the activities of the underground organization in Hailar in 1939–1945, and the participation of Daurs in military mutinies in the Manchukuo army in 1945.
Key words Daurs, Manchukuo, anti-Japanese struggle, partisans, underground activities, military rebellions
Article information
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Full articleAnti-Japanese Struggle of the Daur People (1932–1945)