Article name The Functioning of the Image of a Military Pilot in the Framework of Traditional Plot Schemes of Socialist Realism (Based on the Essays by M. Chechneva)
Authors Zagidulina T.A. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description Zagidulina T. A. The Functioning of the Image of a Military Pilot in the Framework of Traditional Plot Schemes of Socialist Realism (Based on the Essays by M. Chechneva) // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 105–114. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-105-114.
Section Conceptual picture of the world and images of war
UDK 82
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-105-114
Article type Original article
Annotation A lot of research has been devoted to the study of the practices of creating images, the canonization of heroes in Soviet culture, but it is worth noting that female images were not created according to the same patterns as male ones, therefore they need to be considered separately. At present, there is a typology of Soviet heroines, the mechanisms for creating images of “stakhanovka”, polar explorers, etc. have been analyzed, but a special study on the image of a military pilot has not been found, which determines the relevance of the study. The image of a military pilot is considered through the prism of traditional plot schemes of socialist realism. The structural-typological method, the method of descriptive poetics, and mythopoetic analysis were used. Comparison of the obtained results with the conclusions made on the basis of the consideration of the “Navigator’s Notes” (1939) by M. Raskova allows us to trace the transformation of the model for creating the Soviet heroine. The focus of the author of this article is the collection of essays “My Fighting Friends” by M. Chechneva (1975), the year of publication of which determined some of the features of the story. The paper considers the plot scheme according to which the pilots’ biographies were built, in the “trivial” genre these schemes are reproduced in accordance with the socialist realist canon, however, the model of the Big Stalinist family undergoes significant changes: the image of the mother is actualized with absolute inattention to the figure of the Father. The paper also describes the mechanisms of representation of the process of initiation – exclusion from society during the war and return there in a different status, describes in detail the schemes of relations between a man and a woman in a situation of separation of the latter from society in order to carry out revenge, victory over the enemy, a conclusion is made about the features of gender inversions. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using research materials in teaching the courses “History of Russian Literature”, “Culturology”. The paper analyzes for the first time an image that has not previously become the subject of independent analysis in the proposed vein. Further study of the transformation of ideas about the Soviet heroine pilot seems appropriate. The study is relevant taking into account the interest of modern science in gender studies
Key words socialist realism, gender, military prose, initiation, female pilot, Soviet literature
Article information
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Full articleThe Functioning of the Image of a Military Pilot in the Framework of Traditional Plot Schemes of Socialist Realism (Based on the Essays by M. Chechneva)