Article name Russia – Africa: The Role of the Media in the Process of Cross-Cultural Communication
Authors Panferova Y.D. master\'s student,
Bibliographic description Panferova Ya. D. Russia – Africa: The Role of the Media in the Process of Cross-Cultural Communication // Humanitarian Vector. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 3. P. 63–71. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-3-63-71.
Section Sociocultural Space of the Media
UDK 82-92; 070
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-3-63-71
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to the role of mass media in the process of intercultural communication with African countries. Due to the growing sanctions pressure from the European Union and the United States, Russia is loo­king for alternative political and economic allies, which it seeks to find among the countries of the African continent. In this context, the issue of intercultural communication with this region is becoming increasingly important. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the image of African states in the leading Russian print media does not correspond to Russia’s stated political ambitions towards these countries. It is observed that the image of the partner countries in the Russian media is not presented fully enough, with an emphasis on the negative side. The article substantiates the idea that the awareness of Russian residents about the culture of Africa is an important component of successful communication. The study aims to evaluate the functions of the media in the process of forming the image of a number of countries and, in accordance with this, analyze the image of Africa being formed in the Russian media field. The novelty of the research lies in presenting a new perspective on the role of the media in the process of intercultural communication. The theoretical basis was scientific articles, documents published by public organizations and public authorities. The method of content analysis is used as an approach to the study of media texts. The research materials were published by the major Russian online media “Argumenty i Fakty (Arguments and Facts)” and “RIA Novosti”. The results show the presence of a negative asymmetry in the representation of the image of Africa. The prospect of this study is further and more detailed monitoring of the tone of media publications about Africa and the formation of specific proposals for correcting information policy.
Key words coverage policy, image of Africa, intercultural communication, prospects for interaction, role of the media
Article information
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Full articleRussia – Africa: The Role of the Media in the Process of Cross-Cultural Communication