Article name Intertext and Hypertext as Means of Conveying the Idea of Life-Affirmation in N. Morshen’s Poem “About the Stars”
Authors Romanov I.А. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Romanov I. A. Intertext and Hypertext as Means of Conveying the Idea of Life-Affirmation in N. Morshen’s Poem “About the Stars” // Humanitarian Vector. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 4. P. 31–38. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-4-31-38.
Section Cultural Universals in Literature
UDK 82.09
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-4-31-38
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of the article is determined by the identified problem of representing the idea of life-affirmation by modern artistic means. The idea of rejection of the marginal model of behavior is expressed through intertext and hypertext. The transformation of the text into hypertext occurs in the process of commentary on the works of each of the cited authors. Here a special philological space is formed, which is created not only by texts, but also by “extra-textual structures” that draw the cultural background of the corresponding eras.The purpose of the work is to consider the role of intertext and hypertext in conveying the ontological idea of accepting life. We suggest a hypothesis that intertext turns into hypertext. With a centripetal vector, the cited quotations work on the main idea of rejection of death “called upon” oneself; with a centrifugal vector, each quotation sends the researcher into a potentially infinite, branching space associated with the cultural and historical features of the eras. The novelty of the study lies in such an interpretation of N. Morshen’s poem. N. Morshen’s text, like a musical theme with variations, emphasizes the idea of affirming life through the quotations used. The cultural-historical method involves examining the cited works in the context of the ideological positions of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The biographical method is determined by the connection between the tragic fate of the authors and their literary works. The intertextual method allows us to consider the role of quotations in increasing the life-affirming meaning in the core text. The hermeneutic approach is necessary due to the fact that N. Morshen’s text represents a system in which the whole (a poem with quotations) depends on the parts (quotes illustrating the main idea), and the parts (quotes) confirm what is expressed in the entire work. Such dialectical unity characterizes the hermeneutic circle. N. Morshen’s poem “About the Stars”, being an obvious intertext, can, through comments, unfold into a hypertext, multi-vector, united by the idea of a harmonious perception of life and overcoming death. The prospects for research are seen in the use of hypertext strategy when considering other problems of an existential nature: freedom, responsibility, loneliness, posed in the works of different writers.
Key words ntertext, hypertext, life-affirmation, cultural-historical method, biographical method, intertextual method, principles of the hermeneutic approach
Article information
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Full articleIntertext and Hypertext as Means of Conveying the Idea of Life-Affirmation in N. Morshen’s Poem “About the Stars”