Article name Islamic State Informational and Psychological Campaigns: Some Practical Issues
Authors Pantserev K.A. Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Pantserev K. A. Islamic State Informational and Psychological Campaigns: Some Practical Issues // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 46–55. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-46-55.
UDK 323.269.6
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-46-55
Article type
Annotation Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without information technologies. However, such technologies can also play a destructive role. That’s why the author of the article is sure that it is extremely important to explain the sense of information warfare and to highlight key challenges of the digital age which are mostly related to the resistance of the international community to the network terrorism. Thus, the author of the article very carefully analyzes the key features of the Islamic State information and psychological campaigns by using contemporary method and the critical discourse analyses. Finally, the author comes to the conclusion that the Islamic State has a well-developed propagandistic machine and pursues three key goals: deterrence, informing and recruiting of new supporters. In current circumstances, one can pose a question: what measures the international community should undertake in order to minimize the influence of information products widely spread by the Islamic State. The author is sure that the achievement of such goal depends on the possibility of the international community to joint forces aimed at the struggle against the international terrorism, including a network one. First of all, it is necessary to think how to harmonize the national legislature of different countries in the field of resistance to cyberterrorism and to elaborate international mechanisms of management of the Internet content. Only in that case it will become possible to stop further distribution of the Islamic State informational products, which represent the serious challenge to the stability of the world order nowadays.
Key words informational and psychological warfare, information security, Islamic State, social networks, information technologies, Internet, cyberterrorism
Article information
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Full articleIslamic State Informational and Psychological Campaigns: Some Practical Issues