Article name Semantics of Ethnomental Oronyms in Epos of the Mongolian People
Authors Dampilova L.S. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Dampilova L. S. Semantics of Ethnomental Oronyms in Epos of the Mongolian People // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 175–180. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-175-180.
UDK 398.22
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-175-180
Article type
Annotation Objective of this research is revealing the semantics of an oronym Altai on the basis of the formula expressions which are found in the epos of the Mongolian people, in comparative aspect. In the general methodological aspect, the paper is based on the theory of art constants of V. M. Gatsak. Definition of functions of spatial thematic image Altai as the repeating microconstant reflects not only its polysemy, but historical, ethnographic and cultural features of the Mongolian people. In result of research, the author reveals stability and variability of the dominant unit Altai, which is a basic element of the epic narration. Repetition of a constant unit Altai occupies one of the main positions in a spatial reference point, defining a typological originality of the epos of the Mongolian people. It is defined that oronym Altai depending on a context has different meanings, fixing the generalized space of the Universe, the whole earth, certain native land, a state, a ridge. Being an element of a communicative stereotype, such formula expressions present the significant characteristics of the text, in a special way fixed and the structured moments in semantics of the text. Constant unit Altai, having ethnic character, most brightly reflects national specifics of the folklore text.
Key words epos, constants, formula, toponym, Altai, space, mountain
Article information
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Full articleSemantics of Ethnomental Oronyms in Epos of the Mongolian People