Article name Can Journalism Be Corporate?
Authors Chemyakin Y.V. Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Chemyakin Yu. V. Can journalism be corporate? // Humanitarian Vector. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. РP. 148–156. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-148-156
UDK 070.1 + 070.15:342.393 + 378.016 + 316.774
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2016-11-5-148-156
Article type
Annotation Media scholars and practitioners often use the term ‘corporate journalism’ in scientific articles, book titles and names of University courses, which are related to the studies of broad and actively developing type of media as corporate media. However, it is not quite clear whether the usage of this term can be justified. Can we actually state that the term ‘corporate media’ in the inner of itself is oxymoron, meaning that its defines something which does not exist in real life. If this is really so, the titles of the manuals, names of the University courses and the content of these books need to undergo a critical review. The author has analyzed and compared the components of this term and the modern trends of the corporate media development. It is concluded that despite the active use of journalism technologies, genres, methods of information presentation and even the formats of the “big media’’, professional activity of the corporate media workers (as well as the result of this activity) cannot be qualified as journalistic activity. In some cases, this activity can even be considered as somewhat opposite to the journalistic activity as it contradicts the main principles of journalism, because the functions and goals of corporate media could be related to PR and corporate communications. However, it seems to be reasonable to study corporate media and teach corresponding disciplines both at the Departments of PR and Advertising and at the Departments of Journalism because of the high demand for experts in these areas, conjuncture of the media market and modern trends such as convergence of different types of mass communication.
Key words journalism, specificity of corporate media, main aims, concept definition, convergence, means of PR, journalism education
Article information
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