Article name Future Teachers’ Preparation in Realization of Culture-Moral Wealth
Authors Naumova O.S. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Faces of Professional Development
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The author of the article opens the problem of future teachers’ preparation in the realization of culturemoral wealth. Teacher should be a bearer of these values. Therefore, one of the main tasks is the access to this culture-moral wealth. For its achievement the author gives much attention to culture-moral self-determination of future teachers and to the teachers’ formation in the progress of studying pedagogical disciplines and teaching practice. The opening of value-sense aspects of pedagogical activity content and the opening of the contents of cultural and moral wealth in the progress of learning of pedagogical discipline will allow understanding the actuality and prominence of the problem in realization of culture-moral wealth, help to form the necessity to personal and professional self-perfection. The author of the article gives analysis to different branches of pedagogy from the point of view in the process of involving future teachers to culture-moral wealth; also she shows the significance of teaching practice in students’ preparation towards the realization of these values.
Key words spirituality, morality, values, culture-moral wealth
Article information
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Full articleFuture Teachers’ Preparation in Realization of Culture-Moral Wealth