Article name Narrative Analysis as an Understanding Method
Authors Terekhova T.A. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Malakhaeva S.K. Candidate of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
Section Social Psychology: Formulation of Problems and Approaches to their Solution
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation In this article the authors made an attempt to operationalize in socio-psychological study a philosophical concept “self-care” which allows to problematize a subjective component in the study of environmental awareness. For this purpose they used the principles of hermeneutics and historical and cultural interpretation in the context of socio-psychological study. In the narrative interview interpretation they used Labov’s structural approach and Peirce’s semiotic triads. While analyzing narrative interview with the help of Peirce’s semiotic triads the authors use, firstly, the description of action, practice as a representative; secondly, the essence of an action, moment of transition provoked by this action and emotions which fill the action as an object; thirdly, interpretation as a way to identify this correlation between a representative and an object. Such triad structure of an event allows developing semantic field of an event and revealing significant codes typical for the narrator. In terms of structural approach narration has a defined set of components whose functions are to give theses of the further text (T), to orientate a listener (OL), to submit a complex action (CA), to evaluate its meaning (E) and demonstrate an outcome of the situation (O). The problem about what can be considered as an evaluation and what can be considered as an orientation is solved depending on theoretical assumptions and experience of the scientist. Narrative interview “My life’s principles” is carried out in the Russian and Buriat languages and interpreted with the help of Peirce’s semiotic triads and Labov’s structural approach.
Key words narration, narrative analysis, Peirce’s semiotic triads, Labov’s structural approach, personal meanings, life’s principles, culture of Buriats-Shamanists
Article information
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