Article name Social and Cultural Conditions of Crisis of Cultural Meaning Representation
Authors Sergeev D.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The aim of the article is to reveal social and cultural conditions of crisis of cultural meaning representation that reflects social peculiarities of culture ontology in a contemporary society. The crisis of cultural meaning representation is determined by the genesis of modern identity forms and means, decentralization of semiotic and symbolic systems, social norms pluralization, liberalization of an access to social and cultural resources. The social foundation of crisis of cultural meaning representation is an inadequate mirror of social structures, relationships and human behavior on a today’s stage of social development by symbolic systems of industrial society and contradictions between cultural texts, their forms and transforming informational sphere. The notion “crisis of cultural meaning representation” reflects the context of meaning conflict: impossibility to express properly cultural meaning with the help of cultural texts, mismatch of cultural meaning subject’s intention and strategies of social behavior in a contemporary society. The crisis shows up in different ways: transformation of genres system, book culture crisis, extending of semantic possibility of traditional semiotic system and appearance of new semiotics, extending of cultural text functions etc. The common basis of all transformations is increase of cultural code, cultural text and symbolic system efficiency in the context of intensifying development in all spheres of information society.
Key words cultural meaning, ontology of meaning, cultural text, meaning evolution, social and cultural transformations, cultural semantics
Article information
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Full articleSocial and Cultural Conditions of Crisis of Cultural Meaning Representation