Article name Formation of Child’s Life Way as a Main Goal of the Parenthood according to the Activity Approach
Authors Isakov l.V. Competitor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 304.3
Article type
Annotation The author of the article refers to the actual theme for modern society. The main objectives of his research are: analysis of the concept of “child’s life way”, which was formed at the intersection of philosophy and sociology; analysis of the problem of child’s life way forming in family; justification of the key thesis for this paper, that formation of a way of child’s life is a main goal of the parenthood. Solving these objectives is provided by the use of the activity approach – this is the methodological technique is the main novelty of the research; it allows bringing of pedagogical, psychological, sociological problems out of narrow-disciplinary context in a trans-disciplinary research field of philosophy. The trans-disciplinary view of the analyzed problems increases social and scientific topical character of the paper. Activity approach is treated in article as set of ways and methods of research; the category “activity” is the fastening basis here. This category is considered by the author as key in the scientific and philosophical analysis of the formation of child’s life way which is carried out by parents. The article noted, the concept “living conditions”, and also the concepts “standard of living”, “quality of life” and “lifestyle” is not less important for understanding of the aforesaid problem. For confirmation of the conclusions the author of article addresses to authority of modern Russian philosophers, sociologists, political scientists which have the subject of research: life way, activity, personal formation of the child, family education, parenthood phenomenon, quality of life.
Key words parenthood, way of life (life way), activity approach, activity, standard of living, quality of life, lifestyle
Article information
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Full articleFormation of Child’s Life Way as a Main Goal of the Parenthood according to the Activity Approach