Article name Axiological Space of Phraseological Units with a Positive Valuation
Authors Krasnobaeva-Chernaya Z.V. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Linguistic worldview
UDK 81’373.72+81’272
Article type
Annotation The paper defines the specifics of axiological space of phraseological units with a positive valuation. The evaluative phraseological units are realized in seven semantic ranges “good – bad”, “to approve – to disapprove”, “to satisfy – to dissatisfy”, “valuable – not valuable”, “to interest – not to interest”, “to confirm – to deny”, “to follow the norm – not to follow the norm”. Thus, the valuation types of the phraseological units are classified as: the phrasemes with positive valuation (“good”, “to approve”, “to satisfy”, “valuable”, “to interest”, “to confirm”, “to abide by norms”), the phrasemes with a negative valuation (“bad”, “to disapprove”, “to dissatisfy”, “not valuable”, “not to interest”, “to deny”, “not to follow the norm”), the phraseological units with diffuse valuation (the valuation type is determined contextually). The object of the research is valuation, and the subject is the phraseological units with a positive valuation. The novelty of this work is the research material and the research approach. The method of component analysis made it possible to fix that the positive valuation meaning of the phrasemes is formed in presence of: a) words with a positive connotation as part of the phraseological units; b) emotional associations aligned with a phraseme’s concrete component or a situation that underlies the phraseological unit; c) connotative markers lexicalized in lexicographical sources. The value of the research consists in possibility to use its results in practice of teaching courses “General Linguistics”, “Linguistic axiology” and special courses like “Phraseology in national-language pictures of the world”, “Semantics and Pragmatics of phraseological units” and others.
Key words axiology, valuation, evaluative phraseme, phraseme with a positive valuation, phraseology
Article information
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