Article name Foreign Historiography of the Russian National and Patriotic Forces Activity in the 1950th – the First Half of the 1990th
Authors Fomenkov A.A. Doctor of History,
Bibliographic description
Section History
UDK 94(47)
Article type
Annotation This article analyzes the foreign researchers’ work on topics related to the ideological foundation and the practical activities of the Russian national-patriots in the 1950s – early 1990s. The author considers the work of authors from the UK (G. Hosking, P. J. S. Duncan, S. K. Carter, S. Cousgrove, T.M Spence, J. Riordan, R. H. Pittman), the USA (F. C. Barghoorn, J. B. Dunlop, D. P. Hammer, A. J. Gregor. W. Laqueur, W. Allensvorth, D. Rancourt- Laferera, D. G. Rowley, W. Korey, G. M. Hahn, J. S. Kullberg) Germany (A. Umland, G. Simon, T . Beichelt), Canada (D. Pospelovsky), Israel (M. Confino and Y. M.. Brudny), Finland (Th. Parland), France (M. Laruelle and E. Carrere d’Encausse), Australia (R. Horvath) and Singapore (A. S. Tumines) who made the greatest contribution to the study of the Russian national-patriotic movement phenomenon. There are conclusions not only about the features of the phenomenon interpretation under study, but also about the similarity with the local authors’ findings who studied similar issues (here we especially mention Professor of MSUFA V. D. Solovey).
Key words historiography, foreign researchers, Russian national-patriotic movement, demonization, objectivity, anti-Semitism
Article information
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Full articleForeign Historiography of the Russian National and Patriotic Forces Activity in the 1950th – the First Half of the 1990th