Article | |
Article name | Peculiarities of Cultural Processes in Zabaikalye and North China in the 1920–1930s |
Authors | Pryazhennikova M.V. Candidate of History, Associate Professor, |
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Section | History of Transbaikalia |
UDK | 930.85 |
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Annotation | The article deals with cultural processes which took place in Zabaikalye and North China in the 1920–1930s. Different kinds and forms of cultural activities held by both Russian and Chinese immigrants in the mentioned regions are characterized in the article. On the basis of the previously published materials and the new ones the author emphasizes the peculiarities of cultural interaction, common and different features of cultural development in both regions. Some areas of culture (theatrical activities, concert tours, spread of works of literature and periodicals) are characterized. The political changes in cultural processes of the regions mentioned are analyzed. The article touches upon the attitude of Soviet Russia and North China to the cultural development issues during this period. |
Key words | transborder Russia, Zabaikalye, North China, national theatre, Chinese Theatre, Chinese Club, concert tours |
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Full article | Peculiarities of Cultural Processes in Zabaikalye and North China in the 1920–1930s |
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