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Article name | Using the Linguistic Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIPVU) on a Russian Corpus: Rules Revised and Extended |
Authors | Isaeva E.V. Senior Lecturer, ekaterinaisae@gmail.comShekhtman N.G. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, natalia.sh2@gmail.comKerimov R.D. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, |
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UDK | 81’ 373.612.2 |
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Annotation | The paper gives a brief overview of the linguistic metaphor identification procedure (MIPVU) which was adopted as a methodological basis for the shallow annotation scheme of the Russian-language corpus of conceptual metaphor. The paper also describes the results of the two annotation reliability tests in terms of inter-annotator agreement. The first reliability test, in which annotators used the brief version of the MIPVU rules, yielded results below both the generally accepted statistical threshold and the results reported by the VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus. We present the revised and extended version of MIPVU rules specifically adjusted to the Russian dictionaries deployed in annotation. Used in the second reliability test, the extended set of rules resulted in a significant increase of inter-annotator agreement which rose well above the threshold and reached the level of agreement in the VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus. |
Key words | linguistic metaphor identification procedure (MIPVU), Russian-language corpus of conceptual metaphor, shallow annotation, reliability test, inter-annotator agreement, VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus, revised and extended rules |
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Full article | Using the Linguistic Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIPVU) on a Russian Corpus: Rules Revised and Extended |
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