Annotation |
The paper examines the issues of studying German political metaphors in the cognitive aspect.
The author focuses on the function of metaphors in structuring the linguistic worldview, when a
metaphor emerges at the interface of two conceptual domains, and is based on certain common
features. In social and political communication, metaphors can be based on meanings of words
that are fixed in usage, in dictionaries, and in proverbs and sayings; on the other hand, metaphors
can be based on creative occasional imagery which arises from the context of political speeches
and the language of the media. In the latter case, however, occasional metaphors are quite often
built upon the usage meanings, whose scope is invigorated, expanded and augmented. German
political conceptual metaphors describe the social and economic aspects of the functioning of
Germany’s politics and society. Political metaphors mirror the stereotypes and ideas pertaining
to the German political culture and to the German-speaking ethnic community as a whole. The
author uses the method of cognitive framing to reconstruct the structure of the conceptual sources
of political metaphors at different levels of linguistic abstraction. This method yields a seven-level
conceptual organization of the hierarchical system of political metaphors. The article presents an
outline of six metaphorical models, with the parameters that were used to identify the ethnically
specific metaphoric imagery. |
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