Article name Concept ‘Upbringing’ in Actual Space of Modern Media Text
Authors Erofeeva I.V. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 811 + 002. 703.0
Article type
Annotation The paper presents a concept analysis of the construct ‘upbringing’ in dominant textual flows of the modern mass media. The research topicality determined by economic and internal reasons is emphasized. A semantic scheme of the construct is shown by the following frame set: ‘process of a system impact’, ‘personality formation’, ‘personality adaptation’, ‘cult of social life patterns’, ‘activities aimed at transfer of social and historical experience to new generations’, ‘establishing mutual understanding with the audience and a specific person’, ‘forming the need in the other’s good’. A conceptual field of the paradigm ‘upbringing’ accumulates intellectual, ideological and political, spiritual and moral, labor, and aesthetic components of the person’s social status verbalized in modern media text. The author emphasizes necessity in complex research of some ways of effective textual realization of the construct ‘upbringing’.
Key words media text, mass media discourse, construct ‘upbringing’, personality formation, cultural inheritance function of the mass media
Article information
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Full articleConcept ‘Upbringing’ in Actual Space of Modern Media Text