Article name Improving the Professional Competence of Bilingual Kindergarten Teachers
Authors Klimenko T.K. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Ulzytueva A.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Childhood Pedagogy
UDK 373.24
Article type
Annotation The authors address the problem of improving the quality and availability of preschool education. Based on the competence approach, the paper considers the problem of improving the professional competence of bilingual kindergarten teachers, and the “willingness” and “competence” act as complementary and mutually reinforcing personal and professional characteristics of the teacher. The authors identify ethnomethodical competence as the basic competence of bilingual kindergarten teachers. Defining four main areas of improvement of professional competence (training courses, self-education, organization of regular seminars, participation in innovations), the authors expand each of these areas and focus on the importance of innovations in the practice of preschool education.
Key words teacher, bilingual kindergarten, bilingual children, readiness, competence, professional competence, advanced training, self-education, innovation
Article information
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