Article name Pedagogical Technology of Personal Spontaneity’s Formation of the Senior Student in the Educational Process
Authors Klimenko T.K. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Orekhova N.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
Section School Pedagogy
UDK 371.03
Article type
Annotation The article describes some of the technological models that affect the formation of the spontaneity of the senior student in the educational process. The authors give a definition of spontaneity as a pedagogical concept and explain the necessity of the introduction of this concept into teaching science. Mechanisms of stochastic interpretation of the matter are proved, allowing to discuss the probabilistic variant of solution of educational problem, to interpret scientific concepts in the spirit of pluralism and tolerance to that point of view. The cognitive models of the organization of cognitive activities are described, such as representation of the knowledge, modeling as a cognitive mechanism, metaphors using, study of the structure of objects and phenomena in terms of the expansion of personal constructs. The usage of these models in the educational process provides a deep comprehension of educational information, knowledge of «another reality»; giving the opportunity to associate the «semantic continuum» of the world with personal semantic field; to recognize the polyphony and the ambiguity of his own inner world. Certain technological forms of educational classes organization using cognitive models are presented: academic conversation with elements of analysis and comparison of different points of view understanding. At the enter it is study of the structure of objects and phenomena in terms of the expansion of personal constructs, modeling creative space of the class by the situations constructing, and its subject is the purpose of life issues, which is a characteristic of spontaneous notional life of the conscious.
Key words spontaneity, cognitive models, probabilistic interpretation, methods of model concepts, position
Article information
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Full articlePedagogical Technology of Personal Spontaneity’s Formation of the Senior Student in the Educational Process