Article name Eхistential Aspect of Axiological Measurement of the Family as a Basis of Human Spirituality
Authors Chuprina A.A. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 101. 1: 316
Article type
Annotation The article considers the conceptual provisions of the axiological dimension of the family as a necessary sphere of social life in the aspect of existential understanding of the problem. The concepts of explaining the existential determinants of the family as the foundation of human spirituality analysis are subjected to a rethink on the basis of socio-philosophical analysis. The author examines the philosophical concepts of ‘spiritual life of a person’ by M. Scheler, S. L. Frank, and M. M. Bakhtin revealing existential understanding of the value of the measurement of the family as the most important basis for the formation of the inner world of a person. Explicating conceptual provisions of the discipline of philosophy on the problem of the family understanding as an ontological foundation of the system of relations “personality – society”, the author leads to the consideration of the family and family relations as the basis of formation and development of the spiritual world of a person. The family is viewed as a fundamental value being a sphere of social life, whose cultural level allows us to judge about the degree of the societycivilization. The approaches used reveal in-depth links in the fundamental understanding of the role and importance of the family in its spiritually-moral development of the individual and his further personal self-improvement.
Key words family, spirituality, existence, axiological dimension
Article information
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Full articleEхistential Aspect of Axiological Measurement of the Family as a Basis of Human Spirituality