Article name Analysis of LinguoculturologicalComponent of State Testing Systems of Russia, Korea, China (Subtest «Reading»)
Authors Pyao Meyshan .. graduate student,
Sverdlova N.A. Candidate of Philology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1.
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the need to address formal and content peculiarities of subtest “Reading” in state testing systems of Russia, South Korea and China. Structural and component analysis of national texts for this subtest emphasizes proper national approach in the selection of the test material and points to the need of a comparative analysis of the subtests studied. Ethnomethods of teaching readinghelp in the detection of national peculiarities of the written texts perception. Decoding of the foreign language signs in the testing process depends on psychological and cultural characteristics of the recipient. Interpretation of a written text depends on the level of its national culturological load. Understanding the content of the texts which are given for state testing in a foreign language allows those who are tested to minimize psychological barrier of perception of the foreign language text and to demonstrate an objective level of language competences. A teacher can make an addition to linguomethodicalcomponent of foreign language classes.
Key words testing, intercultural communication, linguoculturology, Russian as a foreign language, TOPIK, HSK
Article information
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Full articleAnalysis of LinguoculturologicalComponent of State Testing Systems of Russia, Korea, China (Subtest «Reading»)