Article name Training Future Teachers of Natural Disciplines to Employ Educational Questions Technology
Authors Bordonskaya L.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Igumnova E.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Pedagogy
UDK 37 016 : 53
Article type
Annotation The analysis of the results of the question types study in the classroom, in accordance with the levels of thinking used by the teachers and students of physics during the practicum, identifies the following problem: teachers and university students pay insufficient attention to developing learners’ higher levels of thinking through the questions asked as a tool for organizing teaching and cognitive activity. Mastering one of the humanitarian technologies, i. e. the technology of asking educational questions, by the teachers taking retraining courses or by the students taking an elective course at the university is a means of training them to enhance their pupils’ learning and cognitive activity and to develop their higher levels of thinking. In class, when training how to use educational questions technology, it is important to dive into the technology through the use of critical thinking techniques, business games and design of specific teaching materials.
Key words training future teachers, educational questions technology, humanitarian technology, types of questions, levels of thinking
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