Article name The System of Determination of the Individual’s Economic Socialization
Authors Terekhova T.A. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Evdokimova A.S. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Psyhology
UDK 88
Article type
Annotation The article describes the theoretical framework of the system determining the individual’s economic socialization. It is defined as a process of gaining, active reproduction and transformation of the individual’s social experience in the economic sphere based on the interiorization of values, traditions, norms and rules of the society the individual belongs to. The main system determinant of economic socialization is economic consciousness. Economic culture is considered as the macro-context of economic socialization. Economic consciousness and economic culture are revealed through economic behavior. The interrelations of economic consciousness, economic culture and economic behavior are complex; in certain conditions they may be viewed either as inputs or outputs. From the point of view of the systematic approach the determinants of economic socialization should be viewed as an integrated system as when the system deteriorates, it loses its essence and specificity of all its processes.
Key words economic socialization, determination, the system of economic socialization determinants, economic culture, values, economic consciousness, economic behavior
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Full articleThe System of Determination of the Individual’s Economic Socialization