Article name Paronymy in Scientific Text as Ratio of Language Form and Content
Authors Golovanova E.I. Doctor of Philology, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the actual issue of modern scientific communication of distinguishing terms with similar morphological structure but different in semantics. The author gives the definition of terminology paronymy, reveals its correlation with paronymy confusion as a general language phenomenon, demonstrates the connection of paronymy with terminological variability. The paper states that as some sphere of scientific knowledge develops, variants of terms tend to semantic differentiation. On the example of thesis works and dissertation abstracts, which are published in the author’s edition, the cases of wrong usage of words are considered; criteria of paronymy differentiation are revealed; typical cases of paronymy mixture of terms in scientific texts are analysed.
Key words scientific text, terminology paronymy, metalanguage of linguistics, language system
Article information
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Full articleParonymy in Scientific Text as Ratio of Language Form and Content