Article name Conceptual Law Metaphors of Conscience in the Russian and English Languages
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1(075.8)
Article type
Annotation The article presents the analysis and description of the conceptual metaphors of conscience in the Russian and English languages picture of the world. The main source of the law metaphors is the Bible. The law metaphors are based on religion. This article discusses the problem of the law conceptual metaphor’s analysis: its different figurative and symbolic features and components which form the structures of the concepts совесть and conscience. The analysis of the metaphor’s parts is demonstrated on the concepts совесть and conscience which allows us to study the formation of core component and interpretative field in literature sources.
Key words language picture of the world, man’s inner world, conceptual metaphor, concept
Article information
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Full articleConceptual Law Metaphors of Conscience in the Russian and English Languages