Article name Phraseological Unit and Nominatheme
Authors Terkulov V.I.Doctor of Philology, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’373
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the definition of the status of different types of phraseological units from the point of view of nominatheme theory. The author comes to the conclusion that different structural types of phraseological units have unlike essence and that is why they can not be united under one and the same name and they can not have integral definition. According to the researcher, phraseological collocations should be treated as a lexico-semantic variants of the word nominathemes, phraseological units – as connotative lexico-semantic variants of collocative nominathemes and idioms – as lexicalized secondary collocative nominathemes with a simplified structure. In this paper the author puts forward the idea that the sole basis for the selection of phraseological phrases may be only the presence of the precedent status in word combinations different in their structural and semantic nature, which transforms the problem of identification and description of such units from the structural-semantic aspect into pragmatico-stylistic.
Key words unity, nominatheme, collocation, combination, phraseological unit
Article information
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