Article name The Semantics of Shout in Russian Rock Poetry Texts
Authors Sharifullin B.Y.Doctor of Philology, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation Some aspects of representation of the semantics of “Shout” in the texts of contemporary Russian rock poetry are discussed in this paper. “Shout” (or “Cry”) is an ambivalent phenomenon, so it means the presence of some “crying” sounds and certain special (“non-verbalized”) way of transferring information. It differs from “кричание” (that has no English equivalent). In Russian tradition “кричание” should have its verbal form. Semantics of «shout» is connected also with the meaning «crying» (кричать – реветь, cf. English cry in both senses) that allows to involve additional sources in the analysis. The rock poetry of Yuri Shevchuk (“DDT”) is specially analyzed in the paper. The results of the texts analysis of modern Russian rock poetry show just difficult configuration of meanings «крик», «кричание», «плач» and so forth.
Key words text, text interpretation, Rock-poetry, semantics, pragmatics, ambivalence of shout
Article information
References 1. DDT – rok-gruppa. URL : (data obrashchenija : 27.02.2012). 2. Sedakova I. A. Krik v pover\'jah i obrjadah, svjazannyh s rozhdeniem i razvitiem rebjonka // Mir zvuchawij i molchawij: Semiotika zvuka i rechi v tradicionnoj kul\'ture slavjan / otv. red. S. M. Tolstaja. M. : Indrik, 1999.S. 105–122. 3. URL : (data obrashchenija : 14. 03. 2012). 4. Sharifullin B.Ja. Molchanie v tekstah russkoj rok-pojezii // Interpretacija teksta: lingvisticheskij, literaturovedcheskij i metodicheskie aspekty: materialy III Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Chita, ZabGGPU, 10–11 dekabrja 2010 g.). Chita, 2010. S. 211–215.
Full articleThe Semantics of Shout in Russian Rock Poetry Texts