Article | |
Article name | Interpersonal Characters of Concept WAHRHEIT (Truth) in the German Language Picture of the World |
Authors | Shedlich E.A.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 811.161.1 |
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Annotation | The article represents a fragment of research of the concept WAHRHEIT (truth) in the German language picture of the world, devoted to the description of one of the groups of anthropomorphous characters, namely interpersonal characters. This concept refers to a group of ethical concepts and at the same time, bears in itself the gnoseological component, thus showing the phenomenon of syncretism in the German language. This feature determines the specificity of the conceptual structure and the approach to its study. The number and variety of conceptual characters of interpersonal relations allow us to speak about the importance of the given concept in the German language picture of the world. This group is formed by the characters of subject-object relations, attributes associated with the act of interpersonal communication, characteristic features of personal and kinship interrelations. The work is done in the course of conceptual studies and takes into account the anthropological direction of modern science. |
Key words | concept, conceptual characters, discourse, language picture of the world, anthropomorphism |
Article information | |
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Full article | Interpersonal Characters of Concept WAHRHEIT (Truth) in the German Language Picture of the World |