Article name On the Thematic Peculiarities of Erdeni-Khaibzun Galshiev’s Manuscript “Beligei Toli” (the Mirror of Wisdom)
Authors Aleksandrova E.S.Postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 49
Article type
Annotation The article deals with some thematic peculiarites of E.-Kh. Galshiev’s work “Beligei Toli” (the Mirror of Wisdom). Thanks to his analytical mind and the wisdom of the folk aphoristic poetry E-Kh. Galshiev created a genre of ‘surgaly’ (translated from Mongolian as ‘moralistic phrases’), which embraced the depth of the folk philosophy and their life wisdom, which presented the examples of “the accepted” and “the unacceptable” in terms of their everyday use by ordinary people. Galshiev’s surgaly convey common sense, encourage “doing good things” and distract from misdoings. The given paper reveals just some of the thematic peculiarities observed in Galshiev’s moralistic manuscript.
Key words Buryat literature manuscripts, folk aphoristic poetry, genre form, surgaly, thematic peculiarities, code of the two laws, examples of “the accepted” and “the unacceptable”, expert in human psychology, philosophic depth, folk wisdom
Article information
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Full articleOn the Thematic Peculiarities of Erdeni-Khaibzun Galshiev’s Manuscript “Beligei Toli” (the Mirror of Wisdom)