Article name The Historiographic Review of Sources of Genghis Khan’s «Great Yasa»
Authors Dugarova S.Z.Candidate of History, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 930 (517.3)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the issues of historiographic research of the Middle Ages monument of Mongolian law “Ikh zasag”. The original legal document, as it is known, was lost and hasn’t come to our time. The content of law as a legal phenomenon is judged by the written sources in which the documents of the Mongolian law are mentioned or described, although they are indirect in the origin and contain fractional information. In this connection the problem of critical analysis of the sources containing data for the law of Genghis Khan becomes the problem of current concern. The method of available data comparison with the known historic facts testifying the features of historical epoch, social system, the policy of the Mongolian state becomes of quite actual and valuable importance
Key words Mongolia, Ikh zasag, yasa, jarlic, monuments of law, Collection of Annals, Secret Legendary of the Mongols
Article information
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